115 research outputs found

    Human Resource Development Management In Engineering Study Program

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    Abstrak: Human Resource Development in the Engineering Study Program. This study aims to describe the formulation of human resource development planning (HR) in the Electrical Engineering Study Program at the Sumatra Institute of Technology with a higher education administration management function approach that aims to improve superior learning services. The problem raised is the lack of synergy between the fields of learning and the work needs of graduates. The focus of the research is the indicator of permanent lecturers according to the adequacy of the value of increasing the accreditation of Study Programs by BAN-PT in the achievement of the superior category in 2024 as an effort to qualify themselves for the realization of the excellence of Study Programs. The research method using the approach model is descriptive qualitative. Minimum quality standards in scanning research data based on the Strategic Plan. The results of the study indicate that there is insufficient adequacy of lecturers on the Doctoral and Lecturer indicators according to the accreditation assessment. Efforts to improve it require the strength of individuals who have contributed to the achievement of study program accreditation to manage internal quality clusters in utilizing the potential opportunities of existing human resources. In conclusion, it is necessary to manage human resources programs that focus on improving quality according to the evaluation of a higher accreditation value. Keywords: Human Resource Management (HR), higher education organizations, Accreditation Quality Standard

    Digital Literacy Ability towards Curiosity Level and Student Self-Determination

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    Abstract: Digital Literacy Ability towards Curiosity Level and Student Self-Determination. The purpose of this study was to analyze digital literacy skills on the level of curiosity and self-determination of students. This study uses a quantitative approach with statistical methods. The type of research used in this research is ex-post facto. The population in this study were students in Indonesia aged 17-22 years with a sample of 723 selected randomly. The instruments used are digital literacy measurement, the Curiosity measurement scale, and the self-determination measurement scale. Data analysis used statistical tests, namely the Mann-Whitney test and simple linear regression. The main result of this research is that there are differences in digital literacy and self-determination in terms of gender, but in the aspect of Curiosity there is no difference. Furthermore, there is a positive effect of digital literacy on curiosity and self-determination. The digital literacy prediction model for curiosity is Y=11.28+0.38X and the digital literacy prediction model for self-determination is Y=25.77+0.57X.Keywords: curiosity, self-determination, digital literacy, college students.Abstrak: Kemampuan Literasi Digital terhadap Tingkat Curiosity dan Determinasi Mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kemampuan literasi digital terhadap tingkat curiosity dan determinasi diri mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang pengolahan datanya dilakukan dengan metode statistik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ex-post facto. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa di Indonesia dalam usia 17–22 tahun dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 723 yang dipilih secara acak. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah digital literacy measurement, skala pengukuran Curiosity dan skala pengukuran determinasi diri. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik yaitu uji Mann Whitney dan Regresi Linier Sederhana. Hasil utama dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan literasi digital dan determinasi diri ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, tetapi dalam aspek Curiosity tidak ada perbedaan. Selanjutnya terdapat pengaruh positif literasi digital terhadap curiosity dan determinasi diri. Model prediksi literasi digital terhadap Curiosity adalah Y=11,28+0,38X dan model prediksi literasi digital terhadap determinasi diri adalah Y=25,77+0,57X.Kata kunci: curiosity, determinasi diri, literasi digital, mahasiswa. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i3.20222

    Teacher Performance: Factors InfluencingTeacher Performance

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    Teacher performance is a key to the success of a learning that takes place at schools. The better the teacher's performance, the more educational goals will be achieved. Teacher performance in schools is influenced by certain factors. This article aims to investigate the factors that can affect the performance of a teacher in schools. This research used the literature review method where data collection was carried out through a collection of articles from 2018 to 2023. There are 10 international articles as references from Google Scholar. This article can be useful from a theoretical aspect, namely to increase knowledge about what factors can affect teacher performance, then practically it can be used as a reference for the next research. Keywords: Influence, Teacher Performance, School, Facto

    Child-Friendly School in Building Students Character: A Literature Review

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    Nowadays, many students are still lack of good character and there should be a character-building program from school. This paper aimed to collect and analyze articles that are related to the implementation of a Child-Friendly School in building students' characters. The method used was a literature review, in which articles were collected from Google Scholar and the Directory of Open Access Journals. The criteria of articles used were from the last five years. Based on the articles that were collected, it can be concluded that Child-Friendly School is a very good educational concept to be implemented especially in building students' character

    Android-Based Management Information System at Bandar Lampung Technology High School

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    Abstract: ANDROID BASED MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AT INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY MIDDLE SCHOOL IN BANDAR LAMPUNG. This study aimed to analyze and describe an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI (Industrial Technology High School). There are four elements described, namely (1) planning an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung, (2) organizing an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung, (3) implementing an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung, and (4) monitoring and evaluation of an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung. The approach used in this study was a descriptive qualitative approach. The research data were obtained from two sources, namely researchers and 10 informants. Data collection techniques were carried out by: (1) interviews, (2) observation, and (3) document study. The validity of the data was obtained from the findings that were carried out by testing the credibility, dependability and confirmability. The results showed that, (1) the SIM planning at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung accommodated the needs of steakholders obtained through brainstorming and selecting them according to school objectives. (2) SIM organization at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung socialized Android-based SIM according to users such as teachers, students and parents. (3) the implementation of an Android-based SIM at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung could improve education quality services that are effective and efficient. (4) monitoring and evaluation of SIM-based SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung could be done by looking through the admin account how active teachers, students and parents were using SIM for teaching and learning activities. Keywords: SIM, Manajemen, Androi

    The Role of School Culture in the Character Forming of Students a Literature Review

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan peran budaya sekolah dalam membentuk karakter siswa. Metode penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data atau sumber yang berkaitan dengan topik yang diangkat. temuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa sekolah merupakan organisasi pendidikan yang harus memiliki kemampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai lingkungan yang ada, terus tumbuh dan berkembang, serta integrasi yang dilakukan secara internal di dalam sekolah sehingga sekolah dapat menghasilkan kelompok atau individu yang memiliki karakter positif. Kultur sekolah yang telah terbentuk dengan kuat dapat dijadikan sebagai langkah awal dalam pembentukan karakter, baik bagi siswa maupun bagi warga sekolah

    Exemplary leadership practices in early childhood education in preparing the golden generations for Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the ideal quality of inclusive early childhood education, an effective leadership style and five practices of exemplary leadership. Research methodology: This is a review article. The review process began with a search engine (Google Scholar) to search and review early childhood education and leadership articles. Results: The results suggest that it is important to hold quality inclusive early childhood educations since, in this level of education, six developmental areas are well stimulated. The key success of maintaining quality inclusive early childhood education is a collaboration among education parties (government, school, parents and community). A school needs a principal who can perform five exemplary leadership practices to help “Golden Indonesia 2045” become true. Limitations: First, the scope of articles reviewed is still very limited to the literature review in the Indonesian context. This and other limitations will be opportunities for further empirical studies about five practices of exemplary leadership in the Indonesian education area. Contribution: This study can be useful for the early childhood education level

    Analysis of vocational education curriculum in ASEAN Economic Community: a literature review

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    Purpose: In 2015, ASEAN economic community was formed to turn the area into a single market and a competitive superior production base to make the region prosperous and stable. The how to do that is through education and applying the appropriate curriculum for industry's needs. This study analyzed and elaborated the curriculum used in vocational schools, especially in countries around ASEAN Economic Community or AEC. Research methodology: This descriptive content analysis study method was done by implementing a literature review. This literature review was to review and analyze the curriculum used in vocational education around AEC in order to fulfill the standards of AEC industry's needs. Results: This study finds that curriculum for vocational schools around ASEAN Economic Community set priority in standard skills and soft skills. Limitations: This study is limited to vocational schools, especially around ASEAN Economic Community. Contribution: This study could be useful for vocational schools around South East Asia and researchers researching curriculum, especially in Asia. Keywords: AEC, Curriculum, Vocational educatio

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Dasar IPS melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Nht

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    The purpose of this study is to describe lesson plan and learning implement through cooperative learning model NHT (Numbered Head Together) type which can improve the basic skills of social studies learning outcomes. The method used in the study is Classroom Action Research. The results of this study showed an increase in each cycle 1-3: The lesson plan value for each cycle is very good. Teacher performance in the learning process is very good. Achievement of social science basic skills, reached 87%, which means that eight indicators that have been achieved. The improvement  student learning outcomes, for the first 1 cycle students who completed are 20 students, the second 2 cycles up to 26 students and the third 3 cycles reached 34.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran, dan Pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT (Numbered Head Together) yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dasar IPS dan hasil belajar siswa kelas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan peningkatan pada setiap siklus 1- 3 yaitu; Nilai perencanaan pembelajaran menjadi sangat baik. Nilai kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran menjadi sangat baik. Ketercapaian keterampilan dasar IPS pada siswa yaitu, terampil mencapai 87 %, yang artinya dari 8 indikator sudah tercapai secara keseluruhan. Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, untuk siklus 1 siswa yang tuntas mencapai 20 dari jumlah siswa, untuk siklus 2 siswa yang tuntas mencapai 26 dari jumlah siswa dan siklus 3 siswa yang tuntas mencapai 34

    Zonation Systems on New Student Admission Policies For Equality of Education in Indonesia

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    This research aims to show the problems that occur regarding the application of the new student admission system through the zoning system, the real impact and the implications of various constraints and problems from the application of the zoning system in acceptance of new students. This research is a literature research with data resources using previously study and information from trusted mass media. The results of the study explain that there are several problems that need to be resolved so that the application of the zoning system in the new student admissions policy can be carried out optimally. The problem is reducing the capacity of the achievement pathway, the condition of school accreditation is not evenly distributed, and many schools have inadequate classroom conditions. The impact of the implementation of the zoning system is that it makes it easier for students to attend school, equalizes the quality of schools, and creates perceptions of the limitations of school choices for students
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